Friday, May 25, 2012

Ecological Literacy

Here are two wonderful examples of ecological literacy in action at Clairlea. First off, Ms. Vincent's Grade 7s are learning about plastic and the impact it has on the planet. These grade 7s have also contributed to the plastic water bottle fish display that was just installed outside the library. Scroll down for close-ups.

On a related note, Miss Lowen's Grade 2s and 3s have been tackling the issues surrounding deforestation, plastic bags, and water in the form of persuasive writing. Talk about future essay writers! Fantastic work. For more, swing by the bulletin boards of Ms. Vincent and Miss Lowen.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Plastic is Forever

Our Primary Green Team has been learning about the problems associated with plastic water bottles. Why buy water when we can bring a refillable bottle? Toronto tap water is clean and very safe to drink. Also below, you'll see displays from our "Getting to School the Greener Way" campaign. Congratulations to Ms. Vincent's Grade 7s who won. As well, you'll see pictures of our recycling depot at the front of the school and old shoes being transformed into works of art in Mme. Demeter's Art studio. Amazing!

Let's not forget our swell "Lights Off" data collector. 


Recently, our Grade 2s visited Evergreen Brickworks. There, they learned about groundwater, animal and plant species, and had a chance to hike around the grounds and build beaver lodges with mud and found natural materials. Good clean fun!