Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Stuff Diet

Vintage glass from the thrift store - good.
Stretch Armstrong

Crazy over-packaged stuff you don't really need - bad.

In today's Toronto Star, Catherine Porter wrote about "The Stuff Diet" which basically involves not buying anything other than essential items (such as food and health-related items) for three months. I'm going to try it out and see if I can do it. Apparently, you can still go to thrift stores since you are helping to keep objects from the landfill. This means I can thrift for vintage household treasures without breaking this three month promise. Can I do it?
Stay tuned.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Busted on the Job

Megan R. from the Green Team wrote the comments on this post. Great job.

This Green Team member is telling the teachers that they didn't turn off their lights!

Another Green Team member writing a "not good" letter for teachers!

These door hangers go on teachers' door handles to tell whether teachers did turn off their lights or if they did not. The Green Team is hoping that if we continue to put these on the doors, the teachers will start turning off the lights when they are not needed. Example if your blinds are open you can turn you lights off to save enegry! Or if the teachers are in the staff room they should turn off the lights to save lots of energry for the school!

I hope that the teachers do try to save energy for the school!

By Megan

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Saving Paper at Staff Meetings

Go to fullsize image

Just think of all the paper we'll be saving!

Clairlea is becoming more eco-minded by the minute. During today's staff meeting, Ms. Persaud initiated "reduced paper" meetings. In the past, staff members were given a hard copy of the agenda. From this month on, the agenda will be posted on one piece of chart paper, the back of which will be used for next month's agenda. This will save approximately 180 sheets of paper from now until June, plus we save on additional energy and toner used for the photocopier. Every little bit helps.

Good going!

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Outdoor Classroom

The Grade 5s in Room 204 are learning about Energy Conservation right now. We decided it would be interesting to observe visible pollution on the school grounds by taking samples of snow. Students formed hypotheses as to the areas of the school that would be most polluted. Then the field research began...
Back of the school where school buses pull in. Do these buses idle? We'll find out.
An intrepid scientist making notes.
Students quickly found patches of grey slush on the new snow.
Polluted Slurpee
In class we talked about the factories and high traffic volume in the surrounding area. Here, we see a big rig zipping along Victoria Park.
Aaah: Fresh, clean snow on the basketball court. At least it looks clean.
Back in the classroom, students looked at their samples and discussed their findings. The snow samples were moved into coffee filters where the residue will be examined with magnifying glasses. Results to follow.
Classroom sink/lab. We'll have it cleaned!