Thursday, March 21, 2013

Boomerang Lunch Launch

Clairlea kicked off it's boomerang lunch initiative this month. We are thrilled to see so many children packing waste-free lunches. With a few reminders, students have done a great job of taking their food scraps and packaging home with them. Of course, the best lunch is one that creates zero garbage. 

 Happy faces, healthy lunches!

 Most of the tables were left spotless on the first day. 
 We did find a peeled clementine and a cap on the floor. 

 This morning, a fantastic grade 3 student brought in a craft she made during March Break out of old buttons. 
 Apparently, on the second day, things weren't great. We weren't able to take photos that day. But above, you'll see the clean tables on the third day. 
 Above, you'll see the scraps that were left behind on the third day. With a little sleuthing, the baggie of apple slices were returned to their rightful owner.
Above, you'll see the letter that went home today to promote Earth Hour and Earth Hour Day at Clairlea this Friday. We are encouraging families to power off this Saturday evening and turn thermostats down by 2 degrees. More to come...

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