Saturday, December 19, 2009

Save Those Christmas Cards

Here's a crafty way to repurpose those pretty Christmas cards. Cut up details from your old cards. Punch a hole in the corner and voila - instant gift cards. Of course, this requires time and the ability to remember where you put them the following year. That reminds me, I have to go hunting for our Christmas stockings in the basement today. Phone the police if you don't hear back from me.
Speaking of paper art, here's possibly one of the most artistic short films I've ever seen. This clip was put out by the New Zealand Book Council as a way to show how books come to life. Have a look. You'll want to watch it over and over. Enter NZ Book Council in the search engine of YouTube if you want to enlarge the picture. There are so many things you can do with old books that nobody wants anymore. I'll try to post some attainable project ideas down the road.

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