I'd like to send out a huge thanks to the boys, girls, and families who have really come through to make the Habitat at the front of the school take root. A special thanks to Rob Poulin who donated equipment and a large amount of personal time to help us break the back of the weeds.
This is a space with history, which I'm learning more about. Save for a few trees, we're starting over again with a goal to nurture the Habitat from year to year and encouraging students and families from the Clairlea neighbourhood to call it their own and keep it growing.
We're actually at the stage where we can start thinking about getting some plants and shrubs in the ground. If you're able to make a donation, we'd be most grateful. We're still in need of triple mix and dark mulch. Please drop off donations under the stairs in front of the office with a contact name and number so that we can thank you. You could also drop off donations during the Garden Club hours of 3:30-4:30 on Wednesdays.

If you have any hardy, sun-loving perennials growing in your backyard e.g. sedums...

daylilies, herbs such as chives and thyme... We be happy to take a small clump.

I dug out a few plants this evening that can be planted in the Habitat tomorrow, such as foam flower (above). This is a tough, clumping perennial that is hard to kill (take if from me).

I also found coreopsis (tickseed), stonecrop sedums, yarrow, and candytuft.

I just noticed an East York worm on the top of this pot. "Clairlea, here I come!"

We have white cedar shrubs at the front of our house which self-cultivate. If left unpruned, it can grow into a tree.
Thanks again,